Dr. Alina has a degree in Nutrition Sciences from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (FCNAUP) and a Master's degree in Management and Economics of Health Services from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP).
She has extensive experience and training in clinical nutritional support in inpatient and outpatient settings, particularly in the areas of weight loss, sports and diabetes.
She has also dedicated herself to nutritional support for pregnant women and recovery in the puerperium, as well as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
She provides individual nutritional assistance, drawing up a nutritional diagnosis, prescription and coaching according to clinical, biochemical, anthropometric and dietary data and results.
She also prescribes artificial nutrition, adapted basic nutrition and supplementation for specific purposes.
Address and Contacts
Rua Sá da Bandeira, 562 - 1Dto.
4000-431 Porto
Nearby Parking:
( 351) 924 383 452
*(Call to national mobile network)
( 351) 222 058 028
**(Call to national landline network)
Monday - Friday
08h00 - 19h00
Saturday and Sunday
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